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One Of The Biggest Things An Ectomorph Can Do To Build Muscle

One of the greatest things an ectomorph can do to build muscle

We all recognize the ectomorph as a type of thin person usually difficult to put a little muscle, or even any type ofweight on the bones for this question. But an ectomorph can be totally different from a real person with difficulties.
Skinny ectomorph usually have a problem with alcohol . All they have to do is to eat more and gain all the weight is mostly lean muscle. Yes, it's that easy for them.Click here to subscribe to our mailing list
Hardgainers skinny fat , on the other hand, have a real problem with their weight. They wear very little muscle mass, have narrow shoulders , arms and thin legs, and at the same time can lead to more than 20 % body fat .
These days , we seem to have more fat than the lean years had way. What is the reason for this condition ? Quality and quantity of food and drink today has a lot to do with it , but it's mostly a matter of hormonal imbalance caused by stress.
You see, a true hardgainer surely have levels and levels of growth hormone and low testosterone at the same time - high levels of cortisol and estrogen. The best thing a person can do to correct problems with hormonal balance is to reduce stress, improve sleep quality .
So if you want to build muscle , gain strength and lose fat - good quality sleep may be more important than diet and training alone . Here are some tips to ensure a good night's sleep :
- Go to bed early and try to get 8-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep .
- Slow down. Do not exercise right before bedtime . Allow a few hours to relax before going to bed .
- Take a hot shower and watch TV before going to bed. This will help you relax .
- Remove all electronic devices in the room to sleep , especially on their mobile phones.
- Stop eating two to three hours before bedtime. In this way, you give your stomach a little time to digest their food.
- Make your dinner rich in protein and carbohydrates with high glycemic index cut. This can help to increase levels of testosterone and HGH.
As I said , there is nothing more important to your health and success in the gym as a good night sleep and a hearty meal . So do not look for a supplement that will help you burn fat and build mass

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